Friday, September 30, 2011

Daytona Boys....Again

I first met these guys last Sept.  At that time, Scott and Dana came here with 2 other friends.  This year, Scott and Dana brought their sons.

I meet a wide variety of people here in Costa Rica.  I spend time with them, I make slideshow DVD's for them from the photos I take, I get to know them.  They come from all over the world.  Alot of young people, mostly here for the surfing, single women, single men, couples young and old.  Any person I spend time with I do so by choice and when they leave, there is this sadness of loss even tho many I know I will see again, others maybe not, but will always be in touch with.

This particular group is very special to me.  I truly enjoyed hanging with Scott and Dana and their friends last year but it wasn't until this morning that I understood why.

Dana just recently retired after 30 years with the Daytona Police Dept as a Captain.  Scott is currently the Deputy Chief for the Safety Division and handles all the public information releases for the TV news.  Dana's son Bryon is 25.  Bryon is an old soul.  He is kind, he is smart, he is very easy to be with.  Scott's son Tyler is 21.  One of the mornings we were looking for surf, I turned around and took a photo of Tyler in the back jumper seat.  He is 6' 4" with arms just as long.  He has dark curly hair and huge blue eyes.  As I took the photo I announced Tyler looked like a curled up butterfly.  (I know he is so going to hate reading this) But that is just what he is...sweet, innocent.....a smile that just melts your heart.

So what is about this group of guys that touched me.  One word: Family.

Scott was Dana's best man at his wedding so obviously they have all known each other forever.  I knew last year this was a unique group of guys when they talked about their wives and families back home instead of every tica girl that was passed on the road.  This past week I spent 5 full days with this group.  The interaction between all 4 men was comfortable and fun.  They are tight - they are family.

Not all families stay together.  Not all get along.  But there is something in all of us that so wants that.  A family where the people you have known all your life.... your mother, your father love you, they support you - no matter what.   Children that return that same love and respect as they grow older.  It is such a beautiful thing when it happens.

And so this is what I saw and felt.  Love and respect amongst 4 amazing men.  I realize there are many, many wonderful people out there and I do know alot, but this group so touched my heart and reminded me of what is truly....truly important in life.  Family!

The Photos.  Right out the gate I took them to a waterfall.  I have been there several times, but this was the first time I jumped from the top.  I was just there the week before and didn't plan on being in the water as the last time it was cold.  I was in a beach dress and when I was challenged to jump, of course I had to do it.  I climbed up the slippery rocks holding onto branches and in my dress, holding my nose.... jumped!  Dana told me if I would have had my umbrella I would have looked like Mary Poppins. The fall was long - I knew I was falling......hard to explain.  I did tweak my neck just a bit - by the next day I was fine :)  The boat ride to Coralillo started out in one boat that died before we made it out of the bay.  Bryon negotiated with another tico to take us out.  This boat was much smaller, way slower......the waves not so great, but still fun. When possible, I now take everyone I know to meet Manuel, the wood carver way up in the mountains.  Dinner at Karen's one night, breakfast on the beach in Hermosa. Surf was not so great in EO, but a good time was still had.  Tyler saw the crocodile close to where he was in the water.......A memorable trip for all - including me!!

Pura Vida

Sunday, September 25, 2011

3 Good Friends just hangin in the street

Kara, Ozzie and these guy, and girl :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Change of Plans

After the luncheon for my workers, Desirae was going with me to Jaco so I could get money to pay Sean and Roni.  Before we left, we decided to drive down to the beach to see what was up.  What was up was Brett and the Texas Boys making a plan to go up to the waterfall.  Next thing I know, the Jaco plan went out the window and all six of us - me, Brett, Robert, Derek, Kealy and Des piled into the rental car.  One can never go to a waterfall and not have a great time - especially with this group.  After wards we hit a favorite mountain bar where an old friend lives......Quito, a 4 year old lory. No one knows if Quito is a boy or girl, but he/she was a ton of fun and very happy to see us.

Pura Vida