Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

I cannot remember the last time I had a Valentine's "date" or any date for that matter.......Costa Rica does not celebrate "Valentine's Day" and thus,  it is not in your face like it is in the states.

Last week my friend James arrived back in EO.  I met James in Nov 2007.  At that time he was here for 6 months.  Since then, he has returned every year for varying periods of time.  This time around is just 3 weeks.

James is charming and has a contagious smile, is an entrepreneur and I am still not sure how he makes a living other than I know it has to do with with online gaming, pending patents, etc.  He is a certified skydiver and totally devoted to his 16 year old daughter.  Spends a lot of free time touring the states on a Harley. James is a free spirit and I simply adore him.

So....Valentine's Day.  Not exactly sure how this happened but the upcoming day was being promoted.  My favorite restaurant here in EO - Almendros, was having "Valentine's Day" specials and there it was.  The day of "love" and me without a date........again.  So.........I invited James and he graciously accepted.

Almendros was beautifully decorated, other friends also came out for the special evening.  Instead of the ice cream brownie for dessert, James and I opted for a Long Island Ice Tea - my first ever :) Thanks James for being an awesome friend.  Pura Vida!!!

1 comment:

Host said...

Patricia you are awesome, thank you for being you!