Monday, February 14, 2011

Running with the Bulls

Running with the bulls.......ACTUALLY - it was running FROM the bulls.  Last night - Parrita - final night for the annual Mule Festival.  This is a yearly event held about 20 minutes down the coast from where I live.  It is very much like any local county fair you have experienced in the states.  Farm equipment, combines, tractors, etc on concessions, games and carnival rides.  At this 10 day event, the biggest attraction next to the mule races is the bull riding.  There are no other "rodeo" events such as barrel racing, team roping, steer wrestling, etc. - just riding the bulls.

Here is the big difference between Costa Rica and the states......there are no rules and anyone who wants to be in the arena is welcome to join.

I'v been to a number of bull riding events in the past 4 1/2 years.  I love this event.  The animals are healthy, they are not harmed in any way that is visible to my eye, they demand respect and get it.

So.....last night.  I knew this was the last night of the festival and had not planned on going.  I have been to this particular event in Parrita twice and prefer our own local bull riding events here in Esterillos where the arena is much smaller, more personal as most of the locals attend, it is the real thing.  This event is much more commercial.  Huge arena, bright lights, lots of people.

About 5:30pm I was at the beach when I found out Vago was closing down the bar early so he and his wife and Jr could go, then Ray and Lisa did the same with LowTide.  Brett was in, along with Adam, Maria and Cam.  Sharon and Jeff were looking for a ride for themselves and Sharon's parents are here visiting for the first time.  How could I not go.......

When we got there, we all immediately headed for the meat on a stick and the beer stands - both fair favorites.  After gathering everyone together we headed for the arena.  Surprisingly, the stadium was full and no seats available, so.... we headed for the area under the stands.  I immediately knew this was going to be too hot and decided I would rather be IN the arena rather than under.  The only problem - this is were the bulls run after they have dumped their rider and often charge after the men who are there to display their machoism by trying to hit the bull on the ass and not get killed.

Because this arena is so big I really wasn't concerned and after scoping out the fence and just where I needed to be to scamper up it - I was set for whatever happened.

Typically.... they always start out with bulls that do not have big horns.  The later the event goes, the bulls get bigger, faster, longer horns and thus that is the way it was last night.

I have to say it was pretty exciting to be standing in the arena with 99% other men, mostly ticos.  In our group, Brett was out there along with Jeff.  Jr. and Ray made periodical appearances but only between rides.  Once the guys got lined up at the gate to pull the door open when the rider was ready, most of our group was behind the fence.  I was ok on the ground while the bucking was going on, but as soon as the rider hit the ground I was up the wall, until.............

This was later in the evening.  The bulls now had serious horns, were more pissed off  For some reason I believed I did have plenty of time as I saw the bull up against the railing making the last turn headed my direction.  As I turned to scamper up the fence, Jeff was right next to me but already on his way to the top.  I turned to take a photo and immediately heard the man next to him yelled and as I looked down, the bull was inches from my feet.  Close.........really close.  Within moments it was obvious the man had been hurt.  He was now on the ground, behind the fence surrounded by people.  All I could see was his torn jeans and blood running down his arm.  Paramedics came right away but he refused help.  The show went on without further incident.  Later Jeff tells me I was really close to the action.  The bull had bucked to get the guy and just barely missed me.

Tonight I was at my favorite restaurant here in EO with my friend James sharing a "Valentine" Dinner.  James, from Reno and I have been friends since the first year he arrived back in Dec. 2007.  He comes for about 3 or 4 months - this time for just 4 weeks - was good to see him.  Anyway, my Dutch friend Elizabeth shows up with other friends one being Jorge, who is a doctor.  He comes over to me shaking his head.  He and his family were at the rodeo and saw it all.......way too close he says.  I am sure he is thinking loco gringa......

Yes.....probably.......loco gringa.  As far as I know we only live once.  Living on the edge from time to time just makes you aware of how alive you are.

Will I do it again...........probably! :)

Pura Vida

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