Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Just to prove my point that every day something amazing happens - here is yesterday:

Started the day out with a trip to Jaco with Eleanor and her friends Jim and Harold who live near Toronto and come here CR to stay with Eleanor every Christmas.  I so love these guys.  It makes me happy just being in their presence.  We had a list of errands and shopping as we headed out.

Last week, Eleanor had been in Herradura - just the other side of Jaco - with another friend Bob.  As they were leaving that area, Eleanor made a comment about Rio- wondered just how Rio was doing - a dog she and I had rescued in August 2009 - on the day of Mother's Day here in CR.  Neither of us were in a position to keep Rio and in Jan of this year, Eleanor took her to an adoption clinic and Rio was adopted that day by a tico family who claimed to own several businesses and a horse ranch.  Neither of us have seen her since but she is often a topic of discussion as we both loved her very much.

Within moments of this comment, and as El and Bob were just passing a place where the family who adopted Rio own a business.....there on the highway, near the busiest intersection between San Jose and Jaco or anywhere else on the Pacific coast - was Rio.  Rio......our girl!  Eleanor stopped the car and managed to get her in the car.  She then took her to the business where she was told Rio had escaped out the fence when a worker had left the gate open.  This man then hooked her back up to a short chain and told El she was there serving as a guard dog.

A guard dog???  Our dog that we have imagined running around on a farm for the past year as we were told she would be doing.  Our girl, that we both love, right there in Herradura sleeping on a pile of gravel with a chain wrapped around her neck - not even a collar!

El was beyond upset and actually considered stealing her.

So, yesterday we went to see her and find out what's up.

There she was - still on the pile of gravel - with the chain around her neck - serving as the guard dog.

Fortunately, the owner's brother was there.  He was very kind, let us in to see her - took a few photos - told us this was temporary......even tho the man last week told El she had been there for 3 months.  She looked healthy, was very happy to see us.  There was no doubt she knew who we were.

This was a huge delima....We ended up leaving her but plan to return next week.  We discussed the possibility to taking her back.  My position is still the same - I cannot have a dog where I live.  El does not want another dog as she needs to return to Canada for longer periods of time.  But this is Rio......Stay tuned on this one.

As soon as I got back to Esterillos I headed over the El Vago's to help with tamales.  Every year Margoth makes tamales for her family which includes so many of us that she simply loves.  Ginny and I had told her the day before we wanted to help.  By the time I got there, tamales were in full swing and almost done. Yvonne, Lisa and Kara were also there.  Check out the photos.

By late afternoon I was headed home with tamales in hand.  I stopped by Debbie's house and right then and there we shared an early dinner of tamales.  Went home - did a few errands and just before 5 headed back to her house and invited her to a walk on the beach. I already knew the sunset would be awesome.  The photos do not do it justice.

Just one more simply day where you never know what will happen.  Went to bed anticipating getting up early for a lunar eclipse.........

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