Sunday, December 12, 2010

Meg - Return to the Fast Lane


I first met Meg and her family in early 2007.  She and her husband Gary and son Brett had moved here from Miami to start a new life in beautiful Costa Rica and had landed right here in Esterillos.

Meg is a presence.  When she is in the room, everything else revolves around her.  She talks a mile a minute, always laughing, has the wildest craziest stories, is beautiful and brilliant with a huge heart made of gold.  She is totally amazing.  From the moment you meet her - you are her best friend.  If you or anyone asks anything of her......she will give it to you, do it for you, whatever you need....she will do everything in her power to make it happen.  I know I can count on her for anything......anything!  How many people do you know that you can say this of????  Meg is truly one of a kind.

Meg is now leaving us.....but not really.  In her former life she worked as a producer for a television station in Miami that did comedy segments that are still famous.  That same position recently came available again at the very same station.  Meg painfully pondered her decision to submit her application for the job as her husband has a rehabilitation practice in Jaco and her son Brett is now 13....or maybe 14 - can't remember.  But, like so many of us.....they love it here but making a living is very difficult.  Well....she did apply and was welcomed back with open arms.

Meg will now come and go.  She will be in Miami for several months at a time and then back and forth.  At the young age of 50 she is over the top excited and astonished she has been given this opportunity again.

Thursday night was a small get together to wish her luck as she makes this monumental shift in her life.  Congratulations Meg......You go Girl!

Thanks to Rosemary for all the photos!

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