Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tommy Lee....THE Tommy Lee right here in Esterillos

A few days ago I hear that Shane picked up his friend Tommy Lee from the airport earlier that day and that he was bringing him to LowTide.  You hear a lot of stuff I walked across the street, asked Shane if this was true.  He said for sure, had picked him and his children up earlier and they were staying at Los Suenos, about 30 minutes up the coast.  He would be bringing them to Esterillos tomorrow.

Later the next day, early afternoon, I'd ridden my bike down to the beach and was talking with Rosemary about the lifeguard program.  While I am standing there, I see Shane crossing the street,  headed towards me from LowTide.  He says he has someone he wants me to meet.  I look at him - he's got that twinkle in his eye.

Never in my life have I actually been introduced to a celebrity.  But there I was explaining to Tommy Lee how I had come to Costa Rica 4 years ago from the Pismo Beach area, planned to stay for just 3 months and 4 years I am still.  He was there watching his sons in the water surfing.  I told him how warm the water is and actually encouraged him to take a surf lesson....duh.  Right after that I told him it was nice meeting him and left.  About an hour later, I went back to LowTide.  He was still there, as were a number of other people all casually sitting around having a drink, watching yet another spectacular sunset in the works.

I had also just met Teresa and Ean while sitting there.  They had taken a lesson from Brett two days prior and I remembered seeing them in the water the evening before.  They headed down to the beach and I followed to take their photo in the sunset.  As I was headed back up, Shane asked me to take a photo of him, Tommy and Tommy's friend.  Of course I was happy to.  Then James asked for a photo with him..... and then Lisa.  I sort of felt uncomfortable - like intruding in his space, but he was on the beach with friends and sincerely did not care.

It was an interesting experience.  I wasn't awestruck......I certainly was not speech less.  This was just another visitor to Esterillos that I was happy to everyone else,  sincerely hoped they were having a good time, hoped they could see the magic of this place.

Now.......... Looking at the last picture with Lisa......the sparkle..... in his eyes - I think maybe now......I am a bit awestruck.

Thanks Shane!

LowTide Full Moon Dec. Party

Dec. 21st - Shane's back in town!

LowTide is still not quite open......however, with cold beers in the cooler, the grill on the lawn, tables and chairs set up, huge bonfire, a bright full moon - The party was on.

Just a handful of locals but you gotta start somewhere.......

Check out the new LowTide head gear - Come on down and join the crew:  Our beautiful Lisa, Ray and James

Christmas Eve.....Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve morning began with the delivery of toys all over Esterillos.  Afterwards Debbie and I took Ken out for breakfast at Margarita's - a favorite soda here in the village.  Ken's wife of over 40 years passed away unexpectedly this past year.  I had asked him if he could bring his large truck and participate in passing out the toys.  He was unaware of this annual event, but of all the people involved this year - including all the children who was Ken who was the most grateful for the day.  To top off breakfast, 2 toucans came to serenade us.

Debbie had had a surf lesson with Brett a few days prior.  Every year I make sure I am in the water on Christmas Eve and this year my new friend wanted to join me.  The evening could not have been more beautiful.  This was her first time to see our spectacular coast line from the water.  As the sun began it's final dissent....the whole world seemed quite.  Everyone in the water just sat there in their own silence, taking in the gift of perfection.  It was simply breathtaking.

Afterwards, a race home to shower, get dressed and head out for dinner.  Debbie and I went to the favorite restaurant - Karen's Almendros.  Great dining with a caribbean flair.  The place was packed.  Afterwards, El Vago's - time spent with the Esterillos family.

Up early the next morning and back in the water.  This time, way less people, great waves.  Small but clean.  Perfect!!!  Breakfast at La Sirena.  Late afternoon, arrived at Fred and Bri's just in time to hear the last of Christmas carols....the first I have ever heard here.  Then dinner at Eleanor's with friends, old and new. Shrimp, turkey, all the usual good stuff.

Despite all the great things that happened.....this year I seriously missed my family.  I missed the years with my boys and the craziness of Christmas in the states. The annual traditions, the unconditional love that comes from family.  My sons are all grown now, each living their own lives.  Chris, Scott and Sean - please know that I love you.  You are the most treasured gifts of my life.

Happy Holidays to everyone.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Giving....

We have all heard "It is better to give than to receive"

Christmas Eve morning, 7 of us.....Me, Debbie, Rick and Ginny, Ken, Charlie and Oscar experienced this first hand.

Once again many of the Esterillos residents dug deep into their pockets - this has been a hard year for most everyone - and gave what they could just to put a smile on a child's face.

Two nights prior, Debbie had a gift wrapping party at her house.  Over 100 gifts were wrapped, 7 food baskets prepared.  This was my 3rd year to participate - the most gifts I have ever seen.

By 8 am Christmas Eve morning, we were on our way.  Oscar is a local who knows all the families.  Some who had never done this before were concerned as to how we would find all the children.  I told them, don't worry, word spreads and they just come.  Sure enough, they came.  Across the highway, as we were getting ready to leave, here came a group running down the highway to catch us.

The look on each and every child was priceless but so was the smile on the parents' face.  Such a simple thing for those of us who gave, a huge difference for those who received.

Interestingly, before the gift wrapping I was given some disturbing criticism for being the one who pulled this year's event together.

I was told..."Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, not about the gift of toys to children who do not expect more than tamales and hugs and kisses, these kids are cherished every day. Please do not try to import your idea of christmas into a culture that you clearly don't understand. "

This short declaration of one person's opinion put me in a tail spin.  It made me not want to participate, but..... I was the only one who had done this before, had the contacts and knew where to go.

In short......this experience reminded me that one only needs to listen to one's heart.  No way can we make everyone happy, but if we are doing our best, with good intentions, giving instead of can one go wrong, being kind to a child.

For 3 full hours, all 7 of us received more than we gave.  At the end, our hearts were full, grateful for this opportunity and reminder that this is what Christmas should be one another.

Good Bye Rain - Hellooooo Sunshine!

Due to technical difficulties that have now been resolved, I am back on the blog.......

The biggest news in the past 2 weeks is....for the most part......the rain is gone.  Still some sprinkles, occasional rain at night, but by skies are here again - clean waves....surfs up.

The photo was taken early one morning at Brett's - Soda Mary - base camp for the Soda Mary Surf Team.  Boards waxed up.....headed for the beach.  Yahoooooo