Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pura Vida No Pro 10

Yesterday the 10th annual Pura Vida No Pro Surf Event was held once again at the Pelican Restaurant in Esterillos Este.

This event is sponsored by a non profit organization who provides a day of non stop fun for orphans who live in San Jose ranching in age from 6 to 17.  The original purpose was to introduce surfing to this special group of children who would not have this opportunity otherwise.  One day per year these children get to see the beach......and yesterday was that day for 2010.

Every year that I have lived here, I have been out of the country when this event was held.  Yesterday was my first time.  It was an unbelievable rewarding experience.

When the bus from San Jose arrived at 8am a large group was waiting in the parking lot to greet them.  As they came off the bus you could see the hesitation in many of the eyes. It was a bit overwhelming.  But....many of these children have been here before and for them it was better than Christmas.  After a short introduction the children where taken to the tent area and waited there until they were served breakfast.  For all of us who had been assigned a child, we had to first find them and then serve them their plates.

I was assigned to Arlyn - a beautiful 7 year old girl.

Imagine being a very shy little girl who now has this gringa woman trying to talk to you in elementary spanish as she knows no english.  Having this woman want to be your best friend and taking you away from your girl friends to be in a random group (Group #5) with about 8 other kids ranging in all ages.  Then having this woman want you to participate and have fun as if you were family.  It was a bit overwhelming for all of them and very difficult for those of us who had these assignments.  Many children had been here before so they already knew what to expect.  Arlyn had been here last year but that didn't make any difference.  I believe she is just quite and shy.  She was a challenge but by the end of the morning.....I had won here over.  The thing she loved the most was the horses which truly made me happy also.

It was such a small thing for those of us to be there and give our time.  For these children it was huge and as the bus drove away at the end of the day you could feel the sadness......

To all the people who sponsor this event and put many hours into planning and participating......Thank You.  This day was truly special for all these children... including ME!

1 comment:

katemeri said...

Great pictures Pat! It looks like it was a fun day for everyone. I'm sorry we missed it.