Thursday, November 3, 2011


By the end of this month, the sun will have moved past the point and until about mid February, EO will have spetacular sunsets.  Standing on the beach here where I live, looking straight out at the ocean, no one can convience me I am not looking West (A California thing....) - however, the fact is really South.  Even as I type this, I cannot wrap my mind around that concept, but it is what it is.  Anyway... on this very, very, thundering... rainy Nov. night, I am looking forward to the upcoming drier season - typically Dec. thru May, and what comes with the drier season, are the sunsets!  These are just a few from past seasons, with a couple sunrises thrown in.

Pura Vida

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Pat..those sunrise/sunset photos are absolutely awesome. Thanks for sharing.