Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Casa Cultura

Last night was a meeting of the minds that will ultimately create and establish Esterillos' first ever culture center for the purpose of introducing and educating the children and adults of EO to such things as art, photography, dance, film, music, language, drama.....just to name a few.  Ozzie Hoppe is the mastermind behind this ambitious project.  As of this week, he now rents the house on the corner that Sean and Roni just left.  Brigitte, Karen, Dave, Carolyn, Julia, Lee and myself came to this very first meeting to hear Ozzie's proposal.  All of us pledged our support, Bri came up with the name "Casa Cultura"  - Culture House

This site will not be a commercial center.  It will be a place to learn, share and experience.  The house needs a lot of work.  Donations for such things as paint, furniture, tables, supplies, plumbing, etc, etc, will happily be accepted.  If you have anything to give including time, please see Ozzie.

This is the beginning of something wonderful.  Please show your support if only to just stop by and check it out.

Pura Vida

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