Monday, November 28, 2011

Sea Glass Obsession

Sea Glass - Those beautiful gems created by sea water and sand after raw broken glass has been tossed amongst the currents and elements of the ocean for unknown periods of time and then deposited on the beach until discovered by the fortunate hunter.... of sea glass.

Sea Glass can be an obsession - Desirae and I have it BAD.

Last week she came to my house to help me with internet stuff.  Des is my IT girl.  Within minutes she had my wireless up and running.

After I showed her my collection of glass she asked me if I had it sorted for jewelry.  We have a friend - Nelle - who just got here last week with supplies to teach us how to wire wrap our glass for necklaces, earrings, whatever.  I told her I hadn't looked it any of it since the day I brought it home - and I have been bringing glass home for the past couple years!

She was totally shocked.  She told me she has gone over her stash found a month ago when we were in Panama - several times :)  So......I poured the wine, she started spreading and separating into piles what I had.

For 2 hours we did this - carefully looking at each piece, deciding if it was jewelry quality for not. Then there was the pile that was not quite ready to be kept.  Pieces that were a desired color or shape but not totally "done" - that should have been tossed back, but at the moment.......I just couldn't.  Anyone who collects sea glass understands :)

Yesterday Desirae and I went "hunting" at about 11am - in the heat of the day - that is how obsessed we are.  On the way we ran into our friend Ginny - who is also obsessed.  Last year on one of my "Punta Mala Magical Mystery Tours" I introduced Ginny, from Florida, whom also had never heard of sea glass, to this wonderful hobby of searching for treasure on the beach.  Of course she showed us what she had and as we walked away we both lamented......"The Bitch probably found all the glass"  Of course we were joking, we love Ginny, is sea glass!  Even when it is just Desirae and I, it gets a bit competitive :)

Photos are from last week at my house and yesterday on the beach.

Pura Vida

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