Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hangin With The Wild and Crazy Brits :)

These photos were taken about 2 weeks ago.  Shaun and Jo have been in Esterillos since I think...April??  They own a surf shop in England and are working on being here in Costa Rica part of the year.  In the short time they have been in EO, they have shot up... WAY UP.. to the top of favorites and are now family!!

I needed a ride to Jaco and by chance got a ride in with this crew.  Tony was visiting for just a week that went by way too fast.  After time spent in a bar.... tourist shopping with Tony for his family, back to the bar...we managed to catch the start of the sunset on the bluff that overlooks one of my most favorite spots, then made it to Hermosa for the grand finally.

When you are with this never stop laughing - and that's how the whole day went.  Lucky me to have had time with all of them on Tony's last night in Costa Rica....for now :)

Pura Vida

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