Wednesday, January 4, 2012


OUT with the old, IN with the new.  2011 was a very long year for me.  I started the year out with high hopes of selling my house.  Every... single.... day I waited for that buyer to show up.  On the 15th of December they arrived - Carlos and Carolyn from New Mexico to whom I will forever be grateful.  The only time I spent out of Esterillos was for my 4 visa runs - 2 trips to Panama, 2 trips to Granada, Nicaragua - a total of 16 days away from Costa Rica.

With all the holiday activities done, the traditional New Year's Eve party at Fred and Bri's was a personal celebration of freedom.  The theme was "aliens" and most everyone ran with that. It was one of the most fun parties I have ever been to.

10 am the next morning - New Year's Day was the 4th annual surf photo on the beach that I actually initiated in 2009.  That afternoon I did something I have never in my life done.  I rented a beach umbrella and laid on the beach......for FOUR hours.  I moved from my mat to the chair, the chair to the mat, back and forth.  Debbie brought me lunch, back to laying on the mat.  I don't recall thinking about anything.....just sitting and snoozing.......A perfect way to start the new year.

2012 - I sense new opportunities, new adventures, new friends on the horizon.  Stay tuned :)

Pura Vida

1 comment:

katemeri said...

Happy New Year Pat! I love you and love your blog too. I wish you the very best for 2012. New adventures, new friends, fun times. Thanks for sharing all your adventures and beautiful pictures. xoxo