Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Waterfall

Fortunately I stopped by Sean and Roni's yesterday morning for breakfast.  Larry was sitting at a table with Jordan from Daytona Beach and Lee.  He tells me he and Jordan are headed up to a waterfall that I have been to before but only saw from up above.  This property was recently purchased by another friend who actually lives right here in EO, cleared a way to get to the pool at the bottom and now....its' a very accessible, beautiful place to get wet.  I tell Larry that I knew Ray and Lisa wanted to go last week but didn't make it.  He goes in search of them, I go to find Desirae.  Within 30 minutes - me, Larry, Jordan, Desirae and Ray are on our way to adventure.......

The first stop was a bar by the river for a cold beer.  Here we got to watch cowboys working with a yearling.  The techniques they use here are not what I have seen in the states but my experience with the CR horses are they do what they are supposed to do, they are not babied.  For example, one summer long ago I spent a lot of money with a trainer working with a horse who was afraid to get into an open stock trailer.  Here the horses are expected to jump into the back of a pickup truck that has been parked up against a hill.   With only thin bars around the bed to keep them in place, they stand with their heads over the cab of the truck, wind blowing in their face..... and behave themselves.  It's pretty amazing.

The waterfall.  Considering we are just starting to slip into rainy season, I thought the waterfall might just be a trickle.......but no, it was pumping.  Immediately we start the climb to the top.  With about a one inch ledge in some places, it was pretty tricky.  Des was highly concerned about slipping so we opted for jumping half way. Ray and Jordan on the other hand went to the top.  All was well until Ray managed to do a partial dislocation on his shoulder.  This is nothing new to him but considering he is returning to LA in about 10 days for a recording session (Ray is our local rock star drummer- seriously!  He is a recorded artist with several bands) - this was NOT good.

From the waterfall it is about 40 minutes back home so to help our friend Ray, we stopped at the closest bar.  Immediately tequila was ordered for him and with the shot came 2 parrots.  Each of us took turns playing with the birds - they loved us!

By the time we got back to EO it was dark.  I have no idea where the time went.....but a good time was certainly had by all.

Pura Vida

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