Monday, May 9, 2011

My Three Sons

Since this blog started and is mostly about my life in Costa Rica, some of my readers don't know I have 3 sons.

Yesterday was Mother's Day in the states and I heard from all three.  Actually I was not aware of this until just this morning when I checked e-mail.  Yesterday I was on my way back from Nicaragua and had no idea it was Mother's Day in the states.  Costa Rica does celebrate Mother's day but in August.

Before my life here I had a great life in California.  I was married when I was 22, had my first son Chris at the age of 25.  Chris was born 3 months early.  Due to problems I was having, I was actually flown from the central coast of California, where I was living to San Francisco.  Two days later, with less than 30 minutes labor....Chris arrived weighing in at 1 pound, 13 ounces.  He was born in a special neonatal unit at Children's Hospital.  At that time - in October 1978 - only 1 of 3 special premature facilities in the state.  Chris was 2 ounces short of being 5 pounds when we brought him home, 3 months later, on his due date - Feb. 26th, 1979.

My second son Scott was born on June 30, 1980.  At that time I had a friend who was a midwife who convinced me natural childbirth was the only way to go.  After a very difficult delivery for which I have never forgiven my friend......Scott arrived weighing 9 pounds, 12 ounces.

After Scott, the decision was made to have a 3rd child in the hopes of having a daughter.  On April 1st, 1983 - April Fool's Day - Sean arrived weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was seriously the easiest delivery in the history of childbirth.  The hopes of having a daughter were now gone but the reality of 3 beautiful sons was one of the happiest moments of my life.

At the time of Sean's birth we were living in a small track house in Arroyo Grande, CA - San Luis Obispo County - 5 minutes from the beach.  By the end of that year we had sold that house and purchased a small 3 bedroom, spanish style house on 2 1/2 acres, still in Arroyo Grande, but in the country.  For the next 20 years this would be the place we all called home.

Twenty years.......Family:  good times, difficult times, laugher and tears, family dinners, reunions, holidays, church, graduations, sport events, horses, chickens, rabbits, 1 goat, cats and dogs, fireworks, the trampoline, boy scouts, family friends, traditions, birthdays, vacations, camping, girlfriends, problems, solutions......the list is endless.  My three sons are all now young men ages 28, 30 and 32. I have no idea how this happened. The years flew by...............Family - the most important element in a person's life.

I have much to be grateful for.  I now live in a beautiful country I love, I am in pretty good health, for the most part... my life has had few disasters...but the thing I am most grateful for is my three sons.  They gave me the majority of the happiest times of my life.  They continue to give me love and understanding that only exists between a mother and a child.

Chris, Scott and Sean - This is for you.  Life with all of you has been a rollercoaster of joy and happiness, frustration, fear and sadness.  Would I change anything - yes, if I could, but life and history is what it is.  Above and beyond everything, I love each of you more than anything in life.  Thank you for all you have given me, for all you have taught me, for the patience you had with me and for still loving me.  I feel proud and fortunate to be your mother.  You have been the greatest gift of my life.

I love you - Mom

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