Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Marga

Monday night was the birthday celebration for Marga's 70th Birthday.  This woman looks no way close to 70.  She is totally amazing - walks about 2 miles everyday, does her own personal yoga workout, manages "Apartmentos Iguana" that she and her husband own.

The party was held at the new Heliconias, beginning at 6:30.  I arrived about 6:35.  As I walked into the restaurant, immediately there was a very loud crash and then it sounded like the roof of the restaurant was caving in.  What actually happened was a huge branch on the huge tree next to the restaurant snapped.  When it came down it took out power, phone and cable lines.  As a result, the transformer that I had just walked past.......exploded and sparks were flying everywhere.  As I passed all this and entered the restaurant, my dear friend Brigitte grabbed me as if to pull me in.   No one moved - we were pretty calm dispute the fact we had no idea what was going on - wondering if the roof was going to collapse, or......worse yet - we all get fried by the electrical lines.  Within a few moments the sparks had stopped and we were in total darkness.  A few of the women pulled out their flashlights and what we saw then was power lines hanging right in front of one moved!  Within a few more minutes, we discovered you could get out on the side.  Kate called Dave so he and Mike, who is an electrician, could come down right away.  Meanwhile Karen assures us dinner will go on despite no power - she has gas.  Mike showed up, determined the lines were not live and the party went on as planned.

Yesterday most of the town was still out of power and even this morning, the different utilities providers were busy trying to fix everything.  I live on the south side of town which was not effected.

And the rain still continues - day in, day out.  I am actually wearing jeans today - it's gotta be in the high 60's - Frio!  :)

Pura Vida

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