Thursday, October 6, 2011

Death on the Beach

Early this morning I put on my shoes, stopped and picked up my walking partners Liddo and Lowti and headed for the beach.  Just past the fishermen we discovered the dolphin.  I had never seen a dead dolphin on the beach before.  I was overcome with sadness.......

One of my most favorite memories is the first time I saw a huge pod of dolphins.  In was in the late 80's.  Myself, my husband and our 3 sons had been invited by my former brother and sister-in-law to join them on a cruise on a 46 ft. sail boat out of Newport Beach, CA to Catalina Island which is only about 23 miles off the coast of California. At the point were we could no longer see land, we passed thru a pod of dolphins.  I had no idea dolphins travelled in such huge groups.  There were more dolphins than could possible be counted.  I remember as we were sailing, the seemingly hundreds of dolphins were going under the boat, coming up on the other side and flipping in all directions.  All of us on the boat, including myself were delirious with joy.  It was an experience I was convinced ever Jacque Cousteau would have been jealous of and is one of the top 10 most joyous moments of my life.

Shortly after I got home, I logged on and saw a photo of Brett holding crocodile teeth that his neighbor had given him.  For the past several months there have been sightings of a 7 ft. crocodile hanging right out in the surf where a lot of us play.  I hate crocodile sightings.  Sometimes it takes me weeks before I go back into the water. Last week I heard the crocodile had been killed.  I have no idea by who, no details......that is the way we roll here.  Anyway, I had heard the dead croc was up the beach, near a favorite surf spot.  So, this afternoon I decided I would go find the carcass.  I should have known better..of course, most of it is gone.  All I found was what I assume was the backbone.  On the way, I also found a turtle shell.

The tide comes in, the tide goes out - such is life on a beach.

The fisherman is Harold - one of my favorites.  The plant on the beach is actually a seed trying to sprout.  The complete seed is shaped like a heart.

Pura Vida

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