Friday, October 12, 2012

Death Of A Stingray

Yesterday I was walking on the beach near sunset when I saw 2 fisherman standing in the water obviously trying to bring in a "catch" on a hand line.  Another young tico I know saw me watching and motioned that I come over to see what was going on.  In a matter of moments a few other fisherman came to see what was on the line.  It was obvious it was something big by the struggle the fishermen were having.

What it was - was a large stingray.  I immediately assumed once they got it close enough - it would be released.  Wrong!

Another fisherman was standing near me and I asked if this would be used as food.  I was told yes and altho I felt sad to know that, I understand how poor these people are and they live off of the sea.  So I continued to stand there and watch.  

One of the fishermen that I know very well - Lalo - walked over and managed to turn the ray over.  He cut something off and I soon realized it was the stinger underneath.  Once it was removed he began cleaning the flesh off of it.  As I stood there watching, Lalo actually walked over to me and had me touch the very sharp barbed stinger.  The ray was flopping around and dying like a fish.  Then I saw another fisherman walk over to the ray, hit and stab it with a knife - several times.  It was upsetting but again I live in a different culture and believed this was for food.

As the blood began spurting out......the men walked away - and then they continued to walk away.  I turned to another fisherman and again asked would this be used for food.  This fisherman told me no - but did say it was very peligroso....dangerous.  I felt like I had been slapped! Then I was embarrassed that I had just stood there and watched this horrible act.  I didn't want to make a big deal about this because again - I am a visitor - this is not my country.  I walked away feeling shameful and sad.  Within a few minutes everyone who had been there had also left as it laid there still dying..........

The following is further info I found on the internet:

The stingrays are a group of rays, which are cartilaginous fishes related to sharks.  They consists of eight families - sixgill stingray, deep water stingray, round rays, whiptail stingrays, river stingrays, butterfly rays and eagle rays.

Most stingrays have one or more barbed stings on the tail, which are used exclusively in self-defense.  The stinger may reach a length of approx. 14 inches and its underside has two grooves with venom glands.  The stinger is covered with a thin layer of skin in which the venom is concentrated.  Manta rays and the porcupine rays do not 
have stingers.

Pura Vida? No......This was just Wrong!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday Riding Lesson

I had to leave early so I only have a few photos of Henry.  Gry is amazing - She makes it all look so easy.  It is such a pleasure standing in a field watching all this action with this wonderful group of friends!!

Pura Vida

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Feliz Cumpleanos

Yesterday was a birthday party for one of my most favorite people - 4 year old Barbara :)

The party was held in front of her family's home right on the beach.  This family lives in very poor conditions but are very close.  The dad Carlos works here in the development I live, his mother Yanuri cleans Vago's Bar in the mornings.  Besides Barbara they also have a 3 month old baby girl named Hallie.

This family went all out for the amazing Barbara.  There was a pinata, hot dogs, ice cream cake and as  It is amazing even at this very young age, the children know how to dance.....and dance they did to Lady Gaga - in the pool!

Happy Birthday Barbara

Pura Vida