Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sara & Michelle

A couple months ago my friend Nancy sent me an e-mail asking me to give advice to her niece and friend who were coming to Costa Rica for their first time.  Of course I responded and then began communication with Sara as to the places I would suggest they visit.  There were going to be here for 6 weeks so that gave us unlimited opportunities for fun.

They spent their first 3 weeks down south - part of the time working as volunteers on an organic farm.  They arrived at my house on Wed. a week and half ago.  I didn't even know what they looked like or anything about them until I walked into my house - and there they were.

You know.... when you tell someone they are very welcome to come and stay with you, but you have no idea what they are like, you just have to be prepared for anything - and I was - however, I could not have guessed these girls would be as beautiful, fun, perfect house guests as they turned out to be.

In a nutshell, in the 8 days I had them with me, we had not stop fun.  The first night I took them down to Vago's for "Wings Wednesday" where they met some of the crew.  The next morning we got right on it with surf lessons.  During the time they were here we managed to get 3 more sessions in the water.  We did all the usual stuff - the mermaid, walks on the beach, the hills.  They were here the night Ozzie fired up the projector with a surf film that will now become a regular event on upcoming dry summer nights.  Another night found us frolicking in a tidepool - nude :) - under an almost full moon.  Attended a Reef sponsored Central America Surf Tournament in Hermosa,  had "coctails" in the pool until we were told we could not have "coctails" in the pool :(  Amazing meals were shared amongst the 3 of us in my back yard.

Friday morning Desirae and I took them to the water taxi in Herradura for their trip to Montezuma.  It was truly a sad moment for me watching them wave back at us as they left.

Sara and Michelle - both in their 20's - each wonderful and insightful in their own way.  They are true best friends for now and I am certain for life.

Thank you girls for such a special week.

Pura Vida

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