Sunday, December 11, 2011


Ages 5 to 9 I lived with my family on an Air Force Base in Fort. Worth, TX.  When I was 7 years old my mother was bottle feeding a tiny raccoon that became a family pet for the next 2 years.  His name was Zeke.

I can very clearly recall the fun times with Zeke.  Giving him food to wash in the water tub before eating it.  Playing with him a sleeping bag in the back yard.  Having him curled up in my lap while watching black & white horror movies and The Three Stooges.  Ripping my young brother's ear because I pulled on the chain he was kept on when my parents were gone.  It was only 8 stitches......

For years I have credited Zeke with my fear of public speaking, acting, anything where the attention is on me.  Thanksgiving, 4th grade, our school was doing a program for the parents.  My only role was to walk in a long pilgrim dress from one side of the stage to the other....with Zeke on a leash.  This was probably my mother's idea.  What I remember was walking out onto the stage, pulling Zeke behind me.  He, of course, was terrified.  Once he got into full view of the audience, they exploded with laughter.  Right there on the edge of the stage was a tall stalk of corn.  Zeke grabbed with both arms and the arrangement began to fall off the stage.  I was in shock!!!! Instead of running back to the side I came from, I dragged him all the way across the stage with most of the stalk, - still in his arms - being dragged with us. I was traumatized!!!  The last thing I remember is crying hysterically.

In the past week and half, I had two amazing girls staying with me from Boise, ID.  Sara is the niece of my very good long time friend Nancy.  Her friend Michelle came with her to Costa Rica for their first time.  They had been south for about 3 weeks before they arrived at my house.  The next blog will go into all the fun we had.  This entry is about Zeke.

Zeke is the name I have give the pizote.  Each morning he now arrives looking for bananas, papaya, pineapple, whatever I may have.  Most mornings the girls I had breakfast out back, many of those morning Zeke was there with us.  At this point I believe he would eat out of my hand but I'm not ready to try it yet.

So there you have it......Zeke - My pizote, who brings so much joy to my heart everytime I see him!

Pura Vida

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