Monday, October 11, 2010

The Magnificent Ceiba Tree

Early Saturday morning, Brett and Joe - recent new friend as of this past week - owns a house in the Hills of EO - living in Park City, UT - took a surf lesson last week with Brett and is now obsessed like the rest of us..... welcome to EO Joe! Both of them show up at my house in Brett's van asking if I want to go on an adventure....just on the other side of the highway. Of course I said yes! After we checked out the new growing bananas in my very own tree, in my very own front yard, we decided to find Desirae to see if she wanted to go. Not at the surf shop, so.... he headed up the hill to Eleanor's cabinas where they live. By the time we left there, we had both Desirae and Kealy along with Eleanor and her friend Florina with Buddy the dog in tow. Now we had a caravan headed just across the highway. What is across the highway is a huge farm that the owner is now considering selling lots. Brett and a few other people were there last week checking it out and what Brett saw.....and what we were going to see was a 600 year old Ceiba Tree. When we got there - the gate to the farm was locked so of course we all climbed under the barbed wire fence. Carefully treaded thru the mud - not too far in - and there she was in all her glory.

Standing at the base of such a magnificent tree is awe inspiring. It's just .....beyond amazing. You consider all she has seen in 600 years. This tree is different in that the trunk goes straight up, but, unlike most trees, there are no branches close to the ground - everything is at the top - way up there touching the clouds. If you can imagine a daffodil that is ready to be blown by your lips into the wind, but has a stalk about a foot long - that is sort what this tree looks like.

Thank you my beautiful lady for your inspiration of beauty, stamina, and grace.

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