Monday, November 28, 2011

My Pizote

A white-nosed coati is a species of coati and a member of the raccoon family.  Pizote is a local name for this same animal.  They can be found in southeastern Arizona and New Mexico to as far south as Ecuador.  They are omnivores....meaning they eat small vertebrates, fruits, insects and eggs.  They can easily climb trees, where the tail is used for balance, but they are most often on the ground foraging.  They readily adapt to human presence, and like raccoons, they will raid campsites and trash receptacles.  They can be domesticated easily.

While a raccoon is nocturnal, pizotes are active by day, retiring during the night to a specific tree and descending at dawn to begin their daily search for food.  Adult males are solitary, but females form social groups.  Because of this information - according to Wikipedia - MY pizote is male.

I don't have a name for him.  I just call him "Pizote".  I see him about once a week walking across the top of the wall behind my house.  I always have fruit and whatever I have, he gets. I just toss it close to my back yard and here he comes.  Bananas are the favorite.  Yesterday, all I had was apples.  I swear, he didn't really know what to do with it and actually had a hard time figuring out how to eat it.  It was very interesting, but he managed to come down the wall, pick up the half I had tossed, take it back up to the top of the wall and sat there eating it while I enjoyed a cup of coffee in his presence.  Then......he took a nap.  It was so cute :)

The photos include other pizotes from times past.  My most favorite were the ones who hung out at Margarita's Soda several years ago.  The photo of the pizote with the dobbie was female.  She loved dogs.  The male loved people and would climb up on your lap or table to get to food.  The group photo was taken last year in Dominical when the Daytona boys were here.  The big guy is Dana.  At that time he was the Captain of the Daytona Police Dept.  He's the one holding up his arms while the pizotes search him for food.

Everytime I see a pizote it seriously just makes my day.  Having my own here in my own backyard is such an amazing thing.......for which I am truly grateful.

Pura Vida

Sea Glass Obsession

Sea Glass - Those beautiful gems created by sea water and sand after raw broken glass has been tossed amongst the currents and elements of the ocean for unknown periods of time and then deposited on the beach until discovered by the fortunate hunter.... of sea glass.

Sea Glass can be an obsession - Desirae and I have it BAD.

Last week she came to my house to help me with internet stuff.  Des is my IT girl.  Within minutes she had my wireless up and running.

After I showed her my collection of glass she asked me if I had it sorted for jewelry.  We have a friend - Nelle - who just got here last week with supplies to teach us how to wire wrap our glass for necklaces, earrings, whatever.  I told her I hadn't looked it any of it since the day I brought it home - and I have been bringing glass home for the past couple years!

She was totally shocked.  She told me she has gone over her stash found a month ago when we were in Panama - several times :)  So......I poured the wine, she started spreading and separating into piles what I had.

For 2 hours we did this - carefully looking at each piece, deciding if it was jewelry quality for not. Then there was the pile that was not quite ready to be kept.  Pieces that were a desired color or shape but not totally "done" - that should have been tossed back, but at the moment.......I just couldn't.  Anyone who collects sea glass understands :)

Yesterday Desirae and I went "hunting" at about 11am - in the heat of the day - that is how obsessed we are.  On the way we ran into our friend Ginny - who is also obsessed.  Last year on one of my "Punta Mala Magical Mystery Tours" I introduced Ginny, from Florida, whom also had never heard of sea glass, to this wonderful hobby of searching for treasure on the beach.  Of course she showed us what she had and as we walked away we both lamented......"The Bitch probably found all the glass"  Of course we were joking, we love Ginny, is sea glass!  Even when it is just Desirae and I, it gets a bit competitive :)

Photos are from last week at my house and yesterday on the beach.

Pura Vida

Two Thanksgivings....Double the Fun - Vago's & Brett's


I think it is finally safe to say.....Dry Season has Arrived!  Photos taken this morning at "Jailhouse".  Clean, glassy, beautiful......waves.  Yipeeeeeeee

Monday, November 14, 2011

Welcome Back.....Happy Birthday

Yesterday was Ginny's birthday.  She has spent the last few weeks back in Florida with her brother who just recently received a liver transplant.  Yesterday she returned to her husband Rick and birthday cake.  Mike and Erin are also here from CA.  Erin is the person I am forever grateful to for telling me about Costa Rica, having me contact friends who lived here when I came in 2006, rented their cabina for 3 months......and have been here ever since.

Anna & Heyward arrived today.  Did not see them, but I am sure I will see them early tomorrow as all this week is morning surf.  High season is in the air.  THEY are coming :)

Pura Vida

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trash to Treasures

Kristi sent out the, Brigitte, Carol, Rick, Janna and Karen showed up to help clean the beach.

About 2 weeks ago, after a huge storm, river debri showed up on the beach, more debri than any of us who live here - had ever seen.....and with that came the trash......lots of trash!

Brigitte, EO's queen of recycling, is one of the most creative women I have ever known - she teaches yoga, makes beautiful pieces of jewelry.  She paints, she draws, her amazing home is a reflection of her passion for beauty.  The little doll head will for sure show up again in something Bri puts together that will look like it was just meant to be.

Pura Vida

Thursday, November 3, 2011


By the end of this month, the sun will have moved past the point and until about mid February, EO will have spetacular sunsets.  Standing on the beach here where I live, looking straight out at the ocean, no one can convience me I am not looking West (A California thing....) - however, the fact is really South.  Even as I type this, I cannot wrap my mind around that concept, but it is what it is.  Anyway... on this very, very, thundering... rainy Nov. night, I am looking forward to the upcoming drier season - typically Dec. thru May, and what comes with the drier season, are the sunsets!  These are just a few from past seasons, with a couple sunrises thrown in.

Pura Vida