Monday, June 14, 2010

6 Months later......

For someone who has no job, no dependents, no responsibilities......but truly would like to document my life......blogging is hard. The problem is this - I truly have so many amazing things happening - all the time - I can hardly keep up with it myself much less write about it. Then, when I think about all that has passed and all the fun that was had, I have a hard time just starting from today and going forward., I have a new approach. I will start out with the week just passed and from here on out will "reflect........" on things that have happened in the past.

Yesterday - I went Fishing - One of my most favorite things to do here in Costa Rica. Dan is the man. He is my fishing partner. I met Dan about 2 1/2 years ago. He is from Ohio, usually has a tica girlfriend so that makes it easy for us to just be friends. His passion is fishing. The most amazing fishing moments of my life have been with Dan. We have gone out with our tico fisherman Minor more times than I can remember. Several times I have been out on fancy sport fishing boats out of Los Suenos.

Dan has a great sense of humor - always makes fishing fun. I simply LOVE THIS MAN!