Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wanna be blogger.......

I didn't start this blog. It was my young friend Chad from San Diego that made that decision in July of 2008. He created my address and told me what me password was. I think I made one entry in 2008. Then 2009 came and with that a new commitment to start a blog. I just logged on today and discovered I actually made 2 entries for the whole entire year.

It is now 2010 and here I am again with a new desire to document this amazing life I have found in Costa Rica. I am lucky - I am aware of this every single day. Most mornings I get up when I want. Most weeks I meet someone new who often becomes an important person in my life. I have the freedom to come and go as I please. I live by myself and enjoy the down time.

I live in Esterillos Oeste. This is a beautiful small fishing/surfing village on the Pacific side of Costa Rica. There is a wonderful balance of ticos (the name Costa Rican people call themselves) and gringos that make up this amazing community. We have a school that goes up to 6th grade, a soccer field, one grocery store plus one other smaller market. We have 3 bars located right on the beach, about 4 restaurants, several sodas (smaller restaurants often attached to a tico's home) 2 hotels, altho one is on the other side of town and I never hear anything about it. There is a Catholic Church, an Evangalistic Church, plus one other - not sure what it is. We have a police department with a one man cell and as of this past year - a meat market.

This small village is a paradise. It is tropical with palm trees swaying in the breeze, there is a flock of about 40 scarlet macaws that fly in every morning from the mountains and then return to where ever they come from every evening. They are a constant presence. The ocean is clean and warm, in fact, it is perfect. We have a beach break and a reef which provide great surf conditions for both a longboarder and a shortboarder.

I live in a small cabina - it is like a studio apartment. It is at the top of a hill so that I get a constant breeze with an ocean view. I have now been here for 3 years, 3 months. This is my home and I love it.